Reflecting upon Allan’s process, students engage in a meaningful discussion about the power of his messages and what they have internalized about doodling. Next, Ilene shares other students’ work for inspiration, and then everyone dives into creating doodles with philosophical quotes of their own.

Classroom-based SEL Lesson
With Allan’s creative works as a platform, Ilene developed this versatile SEL Lesson (social-emotional learning) for her own students using his doodling style and methods to teach them about mindfulness, kindness, and positivity.

Reflecting upon Allan’s process, students engage in a meaningful discussion about the power of his messages and what they have internalized about doodling. Next, Ilene shares other students’ work for inspiration, and then everyone dives into creating doodles with philosophical quotes of their own.

The Benefits of Doodling

Peace, Love and Doodles
A Mindful Workshop For Students
(And Their Teachers!)
Mindful Teacher. Centered Students. Calm Classroom.
Did you know that doodling can enrich your life?
Doodling has been proven to reduce stress, improve concentration and enhance creativity.
Also, doodling is known to foster inspiration in children and adults alike.
In this school-based workshop, Ilene will share the ways in which doodling can be life changing. Ilene’s own inspiration came from her late husband Allan who published the popular book, “Doodles, Volume One,” in 2020. She has a unique approach to weaving Allan’s doodle messages of positivity and gratitude into her daily classroom work. Children create inspirational messages that they can use to motivate themselves and others, including their families at home.
During the workshop, attendees will receive a copy of the Doodles book. Ilene will share doodles created by students who were inspired by the messages in Allan’s book. We will also do some doodling and positive messaging ourselves after watching a short video of Allan talking about his love of doodling.
Come and try it–and see how your mindset improves.

Doodles Volume One
Our hope is that together we can live authentically, value experiences over things, and say a big yes to happiness.
“We are visitors here on this planet. We are here for 90 or 100 years at the very most. During that period, we must try to do something good, something useful, with our lives. If you contribute to other people’s happiness, you will find the true goal, the true meaning of life.”
– H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama