New Year – New Beginnings
December 30-31, 2022
I was sitting on the orange couch @gentlebrewcoffee this morning. Allan and I had many moments on this couch ~ early on, learning about each other and eventually planning our future together. So it seemed fitting to be sitting here at almost the end of this year.
According to my search—it was 388 days ago that my life pivoted from being WITH Allan to REMEMBERING Allan. So, we now do that—and I am grateful to have you all beside me.
As 2022 comes to a close ~ I reflect on where I am with my grief and continually honor Allan through @realize.harmony and @allanfoxsongs, but mostly Allan Fox— the person who influenced people to live happily, live authentically and live as kind humans. This year will bring many new things to life; this website and more work in schools and industries. I want to SCREAM—ALLAN, I am doing it!!
This year will also bring more merchandise so people can wear, use, enjoy and spread empowering messages. Little reminders that you can be strong, fall, and still get up. Reminders that life is full of beauty and challenges that will only make us better.
I am so proud of the kids—extremely strong, resilient, and honoring their dad and stepdad each and every day. Quietly. In their own way. Me—not so quiet…but at times quiet and private. Not forgetting that Allan’s brother Brian lost his best friend and welcomed me as his sister-in-law from the start.
I decided to share this memory—one that I wrote a year ago. (The doodle that I referenced is below.)
I took a little bit of a rest and a pause over last week’s break (some might challenge me on that)— and as I sat on the couch tonight trying to get motivated to do some cleaning up and work, I commented on a group on Facebook that now has connected me with a bunch of women just like me—going through challenges like me. Thank you, Allan, for continuing to keep me strong. I’ve needed your reminders every day. Just as you said in one of your song lyrics, “together we are stronger, but alone we weren’t weak.”
I want to wish anyone that sees this message—great health and happiness for 2023 and beyond. I want to THANK YOU for all your support each and every day. —I feel the LOVE I feel the ENCOURAGEMENT
I feel the SUPPORT.
With gratitude and LOVE,
Follow #RealizeHarmony and learn how empowering messages, music, and art can change the world.