Northport’s Norwood Avenue Elementary Students
Shine Bright With Thoughtful Doodles

Today, 500 students in Kindergarten through 4th grade created powerful
and inspiring doodles at Norwood Avenue Elementary School in Northport-East Northport School District

5 assemblies and 100’s of doodles later—we now have a crew of inspired young Northport doodlers
who feel passionate about this movement.

Check out some of the amazing work.
I was inspired, proud, honored and full of joy seeing Allan’s book be the platform for love in this world.

Even the security guard created a doodle! 😊

There are so many to share—but here’s a little peek. ❤️
So special.  Allan’s doodle “set your default to nice” is part of my presentation.  Then we set new defaults.  What a sweet note from Lindsay, at Norwood Elementary, who brought me in. Extra thanks to Madeleine Mart for spreading the joy and making the positive connection!

From: Lindsey Andersen <>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 9:16:09 AM
To: Ilene Fox <>
Subject: Re: Thank you!

Thank you! We loved having you as our guest and bringing your program to Norwood! You are a beautiful human and I am positive Allan is smiling at the amazing program you have created and are sharing in his honor and memory!

Your default is most certainly set to KIND!

Love and smiles,